ADD/ADHD Evaluation & Treatment

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are conditions affecting children and adults. ADD/ADHD is characterized by issues with inattention, impulsiveness and over active behavior. ADD/ADHD affects up to 9 percent of children, between the ages of 3 to 17, in the United States. Our practice provides comprehensive evaluations for children who exhibit symptoms of ADD/ADHD that are affecting their school or home life. These evaluations include a complete physical examination, medical history, and behavior and development analyses.

Treatment for ADD and ADHD focuses on managing symptoms through a multimodal approach. This is best achieved when multiple methods are used together as part of the treatment. This may include medication and behavior therapies. Our doctors will work with your child to determine which type of treatment will provide the best benefit for them.

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