Urodynamic Studies

Urodynamic studies are a series of urological tests that may be performed if a person is experiencing urinary problems. Urinary problems may be the result of several different conditions, including bladder infections, urethra or sphincter problems, enlarged prostate, nervous system malfunctions and medication side effects. These tests are typically performed after an infection is ruled out. Tests performed for urodynamic studies may include:


A uroflowmetry test measures the speed and volume of urine flow. This test is used to determine if the bladder muscle is weak or urine flow is obstructed.


A cystometrogram measures how much pressure the bladder can hold before needing to empty. A catheter is placed in the bladder as more and more water is added until the need to urinate is felt.


An electromyography test measures the muscles in and around the sphincter. This test is used to determine if the urological problem is related to nerve or muscle damage.

A Post-Void Residual Test

A post-void residual test, also known as a PVR test, measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination. This test is performed using an ultrasound and inserting a catheter into the bladder through the urethra.

Pressure Flow Studies

Pressure flow studies measure pressure in the bladder while urinating. These tests help distinguish between urinary symptoms caused by obstruction, and those caused by a problem affecting the bladder muscles or nerves.

Other tests such as measuring residual urine and leakage may also be performed to assist the doctor in diagnosing urinary conditions. The series of urodynamic studies that are performed will vary based on individual's symptoms and diagnosis.

After reviewing the results of the urodynamic tests, doctors will be able to diagnose a specific condition and create a customized treatment plan for the patient.

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